

Pica-Pau studios

Torggata 33, 5th floor

0183 Oslo, Norway

tel: 0047 96746579

Pica-Pau is the alias of Norwegian painter Bård Kjøge Rønning. Pica-Pau paintings are found in art collections around the world, his visual language is textbased

neo-expressionistic, with references to Twombly, Basquiat, Schnabel, Tapies & Picabia.

Jessica Lott (Art Forum USA)  (www.jessicalott.com) writes:

Pica-Pau's wildly vivid canvases present an intriguing puzzle, like something encountered by the slumbering brain—a world populated with totemic animals, misshapen figures, exclamations in multiple languages, overheated directions to partially glimpsed places, dates, and towns—everything interrelated, dictated by its own invisible structure of needs.

Contact: +47 96746579             bard.ronning@gmail.com